Design Thinking for Business and Career by Anderson Willinger

- How to use Desing Thinking to Navigate Cultural Change
- Discovering Design Thinking Principles
- Why you should use Design Thinking Principles in your Organization and Your Personal Life
In the session by Anderson Willinger, executive search, we will cover topics such as:
- Design Thinking as a tool to understand the needs of clients (external – customers or internal – employees) before seeking the best solutions for them
- How to use this tool to create, improve or transform company culture
- How to use Design Thinking for Personal and Career Restart
About the speaker:
Alexandra Karacsony
Alexandra worked for PepsiCo’s CEO as an internal strategic consultant at the US headquarters. She then moved to strategic and operational marketing for L´Oréal in Paris before joining the PayPal launch team in France. In 2015, she founded Elixir Consulting, a consultancy focused on innovation and Design Thinking in Switzerland working for various clients in Europe. She is an MBA graduate from Standford.