Why Networking isn’t working by Anderson Willinger

Behind our seemingly logical facades lie turbulent seas of emotion. Learn to navigate the obstacles presented by various types of people and situations.

Anderson Willinger, Executive Search, presents you some tips:

  • Deal effectively with negativity.
  • Collaborate smoothly with difficult colleagues.
  • Interpret and process unclear communication.
  • Incorporate emotional theory into everyday interactions.

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but creatures of emotion.
  • How to deal with negative emotions on the other side
  • How to work with people who take things too personally
  • How to perceive and work with ambiguity in communication
  • How to be able to use everything I learn in my daily professional life
The driving force to work success and the biggest wonder in life are relationships – how to build and maintain them at work and everywhere else.

Content of webinars by Anderson Willinger, executive search experts:
  • What is the communication of a manager in a new role built on?
  • What is the essence of communication between two people?!
  • How to proceed in building new professional relationships – mathematical formula for relationships
  • What type of communication should we use while building relationships?
  • What and when does my superior expect from me? What should be delivered and why was I hired……
  • Why is it important to be a positive critic and know how to communicate with my superiors, subordinates and peers?

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