11 ideas for 2017 by Anderson Willinger, Executive Search

With the fresh start of the new year, Anderson Willinger, executive search, have some recommendations for you.

Practice deep breathing twice a day

Slowing your breathing can control your reaction to stressful events. If you do not meditate yet, breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth for 5 minutes. Shifting to slower breathing in times of tension allows you to perform better mentally and physically.

Walk 10.000 steps each day

The maximal health benefit for minimal work is 10.000 steps a day. This number helps to lose weight or gain a control of diabetes.

Choose your food wisely

Researchers at Brigham Hospital examined the eating habits of 55.000 people for 26 years. Those who steered clear of sugar, trans fats and alcohol were 30 percent more happy, mobile and independent.

Keep in mind the basic numbers of health

The optimal blood pressure is 120/80. A healthy waist circumference measured around the navel is less than 88.9 cm for women and less than 99.6 cm for men. The ideal of power training per week are 2.

Do it

For areas, that we do not want to do, but internally very well know that it is good for us, to use the “5 seconds” methodology. Watch TED TALK of Mel Robbins, which has been seen by more than 7 million people till today.

Give your brain a workout

Try web sites such as brainhq.com, lumosity.com or QuiZup aplication.

Strong relationships

Come to our New Year Seminar Why Networking does not work or How to build key relationships within the organization at all levels.

Focus on career satisfaction

A recent study shows adults who spent their time only on materialistic goals are less happy than those who developing themselves for own being. If you consider a career change, we recommend you to arrange a meeting with us.

Get together

It’s time to meet us for a presentation of new Business Intelligence product by Anderson Willinger, executive search.

We wish you all the best this year.

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